The 5G Leader – Five timeless principles of leadership
“5G is the 5th generation mobile network. It is a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks. 5G enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices.” - Although the 5G concept is a new kind of mobile network technology that is designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together; the 5G leadership concept is only about connecting everyone together (unity). It connects people from past generations, current, and future generations for the betterment of the society and the world at large through influence. In essence, leadership is a team sport that never dies. Looking back in time, which great leader(s) do you consider as most respected, charismatic and powerful; whose influence is still relevant today and will probably be so in generations to come? I personally consider these immortals as 5G leaders because they possess the following five l...